Wednesday 5 November 2014

The University of Aberdeen comes 4th!!

With great pleasure, I can announce MaitlandGroup came 4th overall in the 6th Cornell University Real Estate Case Competition. We are all delighted and I think we are still in shock! This is a great achievement not only for our team, but also the University of Aberdeen - we are the first school outside of North America to reach the final! 

We managed to put together a great presentation but we have to admit our slides weren't as slick as some other Universities. That's some feedback we can give to next years team. 

After we found out the rankings - four judges approached us and stated we did a great job. They also mentioned that in the deliberation beforehand, some said we should have ranked higher as many aspects of our investment decision was in line with the actual transaction. This was extremely  encouraging. One of the judges was involved in the transaction and he delivered a small presentation so we could compare our decision with reality - thankfully we both invested! 

This experience has been a great opportunity and we can only thank the Univeristy for allowing us to compete - thank you! On behalf of the team, we also would like to give special thanks to Professor Hutchison for chaperoning us and for the encouragement on the day. 

It has been a great trip and a worthwhile academic experience. By participating in this prestigious event, we have hopefully exposed ourselves to more opportunities when we graduate. In my opinion, one of the best things to come out of this is highlighting my weaknesses - definitely need to brush up on some of my excel cash flow skills! 

To celebrate, we went out for a few drinks with some of the other universities. It was a pretty late night so we will definitely sleep on the plane home. We leave the city at 5.00pm so our last day will be spent going to see tourist attractions and a bit of shopping. 

I am also pleased to announce that we are the recipients of a cash prize of $1,500. We had no financial motivation so as a team we have decided to give a proportion of our winnings to charity. - Amy

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